
Welcome to the official website for the Order Sons of Italy in America’s Grand Lodge of Illinois and Wisconsin.The Order was founded in 1905, in New York City’s Little Italy. You can learn about our past at www.osia.org.

Our Grand Lodge was founded in Chicago in 1924. We merged with the state of Wisconsin and became the Grand Lodge of Illinois & Wisconsin in 2009.The Grand Lodge is comprised of (8) eight local or filial lodges in Milwaukee and throughout the Chicago land areas. The Order’s membership of men, women and children, work to preserve the Italian and Italian American heritages and cultures, while benefiting society as a whole. Our Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) nationally, has quietly raised over 115 million dollars for scholarships, disaster relief and Cancer, Alzheimer, Autism and Cooley’s Anemia disease cure and prevention research through the years.

The Commission for Social Justice tirelessly works to promote the positive image of Italian and Italian Americans, in the media and business worlds. It also acts as the anti-defamation arm of the Order, protecting our good name and character. We invite and encourage you to explore this website and learn why OSIA is the oldest and largest Italian American organization in North America, and why you, your friends and relatives should join our proud ranks.

Fraternally Yours,

Frank J. Schiro

Grand Lodge President
