We want to thank all our sponsors who support our goals in building a better community.

By advertising your business’s name on our placemat, people attending our events throughout the year will know that you support our organization. The placemat will also be used at the St. Joseph Dinner we co-sponsor with St. Julie’s Church. Every effort to promote your business and sponsorship will be made at this, and at all of our future events.  The cost of a single business-card size ad is $70, and a double size ad is $125. Just send the copy (in word) of your desired ad or email the new copy to me at the email listed on the bottom of this page. If you would like us to design an ad, email your logo and whatever info you desire, and we will put it together for you.

Please make checks payable to Leone D’Oro Lodge #2700.

 We appreciate your sponsorship and support and hope to see you at our next event.

Linda Loparco, Placemat Chairperson

Contact me at lloparco51@gmail.com

For your records: we are a charitable organization with authority to operate in the State of Illinois under 501 C 8