Gold Membership: An elite membership program that costs $100 a year to join. These members are recognized in various OSIA publications throughout the year for their participation, as well as other benefits for their enrollment.
This campaign enables the Supreme Council to fund items that are important to the membership of OSIA nationally. Combined with regular membership dues from the grand lodges; this campaign serves to defray increasing costs in the print production & postage fees of the Italian America magazine. This ensures the magazine will remain free to all dues paying members. Additionally, and most promising for all OSIA lodges, is the complete re-design and implementation of the national OSIA website. What is being created even as I type this, is a new, highly efficient, more user friendly site that will be interactive with every filial and grand lodge throughout the country.
Please help us promote the Gold Membership Campaign. Those who enlist will receive their Gold membership card, the official certificate, its distinctive lapel pin, and as stated, each member is continually recognized in the various OSIA and SIF newsletters, blasts and published journals throughout their year of membership.
To renew or to join the Gold Membership Campaign just forward your check payable to
“OSIA Supreme Lodge” for $100 and mail it to OSIA National Office, 219 E Street NE,
Washington, DC 20002. Mark the envelope as “Gold Membership”. Or, if you prefer you can email Laura at in the national office and she can process your request right over the phone with a credit card.
Please consider demonstrating your commitment to OSIA by elevating your membership to Gold status. This will assist the Order in providing the most modernized version OSIA as we move forward.